PDI 1.9.0-alpha.2025-02-05

the PDI data interface

Serialize plugin

Serialize plugin allows to serialize shared data. The plugin will convert all arrays from sparse to dense and dereference all pointers.

The serialized data will be shared as long the user data is shared.

  1. In case of the share with PDI_OUT: plugin will serialize and share serialized data on PDI_share of given descriptor.
  2. In case of the share with PDI_IN: plugin will deserialize data on PDI_reclaim of given descriptor (to be sure that the serialized data have been writen to buffer by other plugin (e.g. done on event)).
  3. In case of the share with PDI_INOUT: plugin will do step 1. on PDI_share and step 2. on PDI_reclaim.

Configuration grammar

The serialize configuration is made of only:

key value
logging logging
data name to serialize serialized data name

Plugin examples

type: array
subtype: int
size: 8
start: 2
subsize: 4
logging: debug
sparse_array: dense_array

On each sparse_array data share, the plugin will share serialized data under the dense_array name. The dense_array will be of type:

type: array
subtype: int
size: 4

Another example:

type: pointer
type: array
subtype: int
size: 8
start: 2
subsize: 4
pointer_to_sparse_array: dense_array

On each pointer_to_sparse_array data share, the plugin will share serialized data under the dense_array name. The dense_array again will be of type:

type: array
subtype: int
size: 4