PDI 1.9.0-alpha.2025-02-05

the PDI data interface

JSON plugin

WARNING This documentation is a work in progress and does not reflect the full potential of the JSON plugin.

The JSON plugin enables users to export data in valid JSON format and allows for custom writing formats (The JSON plugin for custom formating).

This plugin allows writing multiple variables in the same file as soon as they are available.

It supports not only basic data types such as scalar, array, record, tuple, and pointer, but also complex and nested combinations of these types. This includes multi-level arrays, multi-level records, and any mixture of the supported basic types at arbitrary levels of nesting. However, not all combinations are fully tested.

It ensures a JSON valid format at all times, even if the simulation crashes and PDI is not finalized, due to its incremental writing. Warning: this may result in increased disk bandwidth and may not be ideal for a performance-sensitive context.

Conditionnal writing is supported.

The write to file is only triggered when a variable is shared to PDI with read permission given.

Note that is written to this file the variable whichever variables listed in the "write" section when PDI is granted read permission.

The JSON plugin doesn't yet support the function of waiting for multiple variables to be readable before writing them.

Configuration grammar

There are two syntax for the JSON configuration file: First one is var_name: file_path.json, as for example :

data1: file_path.json

The second one starts with - file: file_path.json with arguments below

key value
"file" (mandatory) Name of the output file
"write" (mandatory) The variables to be writen
"when" (optional) Indicate some kind of condition

For example,

- file: file_path.json
when: iteration % 10 = 0 # This is optional
write: [data1, data2, ...]

Note : By default, if the key "when" is not specified, a true condition is set so that the variable is written every time PDI is granted read permission. Examples of those two syntax are given in example/json.yml.

Install and test the JSON plugin !

The JSON plugin relies on the nlohmann/json library to output data to JSON format. The json library is included in the PDI repo as a submodule. To get the source code of this external library, one needs to do, from the root of PDI:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Next, users can activate the json_plugin by adding BUILD_JSON_PLUGIN=ON option to the PDI configuration commande.

Once the plugin installed, the easiest way to test the plugin is referring to the example section, which provides a full somewhat realistic C simulation code, where PDI is enabled and the JSON plugin is used. This one can be found in example.

To use it, first compile using CMake with BUILD_TESTING set to ON, then execute :

build/PDI_EXAMPLE/PDI_example_C example/json.yml

Full configuration file example

Please refer to example/json.yml

On going work / Limitations

  • Adding support for reading variables. Currently, the JSON plugin doesn't support reading variables, only writing them. To cover more use cases, the JSON plugin should be able to read variables as well as write them.
  • The ability to create an on-the-go structures for several variables to be produced in a single JSON object

The JSON plugin for custom formating

For the sake of the example, let's imagine the following code, creating which performs a certain heat transfer simulation.

The PDI exposes

"simulation_name", &simulation_name, PDI_OUT,
"max_steps", &max_steps, PDI_OUT,
"mesh_config", &mesh_config, PDI_OUT,
"rank", &rank, PDI_OUT,
// main loop
for (int step = 0; step < nb_steps; ++step) {
do_compute(temp, MPI_COMM_WORLD) ;
// share data at every iteration
"step", &step, PDI_OUT,
"temp", temp, PDI_OUT,
PDI_status_t PDI_multi_expose(const char *event_name, const char *name, void *data, PDI_inout_t access,...)
Performs multiple exposes at once.
data transfer from the main code to PDI
Definition pdi.h:187

The related YAML configuration

types: # [...] including config_t description
metadata: {rank: int, step: int}
simulation_name: { type: array, subtype: char, size: 512 }
max_steps: int
type: struct
- dimensions: { type: array, subtype: int, size: 3}
- spacings: { type: array, subtype: int, size: 3}
temp: # the main temperature field
- type: array
- subtype: double
- size: '$mesh_config.dimensions'
- file: data-$rank.json
write: [step, temp]
when: '$step > 0

JSON output

If we run this code as is, the following JSON file would get generated.

"simulation_name": "Heat_transfer_simulation",
"max_steps": 10,
"mesh_config": {
"dimensions": [100, 100, 50],
"spacing": [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
"rank": 7,
"step" : 1,
"temp": [75.3, 74.7, 76.1, ..., 54.2, 55.6]
"step" :2,
"temp" :[01.8, 89.6, 92.7, ..., 12.5, 13.7]

We can use this output json file to generate our custom format. For example, we can rely on mustache to do so.

Mustache code

Simulation {{simulation_name}} of {{max_steps}} iterations.
Mesh configuration was of {{mesh_config.dimensions}} dimensions and {{mesh_config.spacing}} spacings
At step {{step}}:
temp was [{{#temp}}{{.}}{{#last}}{{^last}},{{/last}}{{/temp}}]

Finaly, let's print it ! We execute the json to mustache converter ...

vendor/mustach/mustach data.json format.mstch

... so we can get the following result !

Simulation Heat_transfer_simulation of 10 iterations.
Mesh configuration was of [100, 100, 50] dimensions and [0.1, 0.1, 0.1] spacings
At step 1, temp was [75.3, 74.7, 76.1, ..., 54.2, 55.6]
At step 2, temp was [91.8, 89.6, 92.7, ..., 12.5, 13.7]